Many of these are not strictly gambling related,
but Smartgambler's underlying theme of encouraging
the use of reason, common sense and discipline is
consistent with the exposing of such fraudulent activities,
which thrive on the superstition, desperation and
gullibility we are trying to dispel.
For an article about international efforts to crack
down on the perpetrators of the so called 'Nigerian
Scams', click
World Lotto/WeltLotto
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 1:12 AM
To: Guy West
Subject: Re: Welt Lotto, a scam ?
I have received an e-mail claiming in detail that
I won a $2.5 M in something called "WeltLotto
or World Lotto" based in Amsterdam, Holland.
I was told to contact their agent, one "John
Bishop" by fax, phone or e-mail asap since if
not claimed by Nov 25th 2002 I lose "my"
I did contact the above J. Bishop. The phone was
an answering machine, so I faxed and e-mailed to him.
Today I received an answer requesting me to fill out
forms and add a copy of passport or driver's licence
and was notified that I'll have to pay $3,900 for
a variety of services leading to the release of the
Naturally I replied that no money or personal details
will be forwarded (besides my name, address and phone,
which I already did.)
Please tell me if this is indeed a scam, as I think
- or is WELTLOTTO-FIRMA a legitimate business. They
did not provide any address but the following website:
They requested me to contact J. Bishop @ tel 31205241541
as "Foreign Service Manager of EUROSECURITIES
The e-mails provided were
3. Eurosecurities have a very obscure website @
Are you familiar with this "lotto". Is
it a scam? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Smartgambler reply:
I'll look into it as soon as I get a chance. It is
definitely a scam. Looks, sounds and smells like a
scam... it is one. Don't send them any of your personal
details like driver's license because identity theft
is rampant on the internet.
I'll get back to you with evidence that it's a scam,
but in the meantime don't have any further contact,
you're just giving them information.
Guy West.
Managing Director OZmium Pty Ltd.
Thanks Guy.
I'll await the results of your inquiry.
Smartgambler reply:
Didn't take long!
Go to 'Edit' on your browser once you've found this
page and select 'Find on this page', then type in
Weltlotto. It's there.
I could dig up hundreds of references to it no doubt,
but I don't need to. It's a scam...100% certainty
on that.
If you've sent any credit card details cancel the
cards and get new ones reissued immediately. If they
have identity details like license, especially if
it has your photo, I would get a new one issued with
a new number, or at least alert the authorities that
someone may be using that document in identity fraud.
Hope it all works out okay for you. Sorry to be the
bearer of bad news but better than see you losing
thousands of dollars as many people who write to us
Guy West.
Thank you so much Guy. Luckily I didn't send anything
but name, address and phone, which they already must
have had e-mailing me.
So I had 24 hours of nice illusion - time to get
back to normal life :-)
If you know of or have encountered any gambling or
other scams, let us know about them here at Smartgambler.
Contact us
The South Australian Office Of Consumer And Business
Affairs has a comprehensive list of products it considers
scams or of dubious merit.
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