











Editorial Pages

September 2002

Syndicate Club upset.

We at Smartgambler are honored to receive occasional torrents of abuse from apoplectically outraged pedlars whose systems have been questioned on this site. Normally we just archive them in case the consumer authorities ever need to refer to them, or in case they become persistently annoying or threatening.

Sometimes we get a well reasoned and sensible letter which convinces us that the dubious product or system in question is the result of the seller being misinformed rather than dishonest and in rare cases we remove a reference from the site because of not wanting to hurt people who are not dishonest, just wrong. Politeness, genuine contact details and a reasoned argument are the sort of criteria we look for in making such a decision.

On the other hand there are the idiots. A polite reply asking the identity of the writer before addressing the points raised is of course met with silence. We had one such letter recently from someone defending the Syndicate Club, an organisation which provokes some unflattering references on the internet from sources unrelated to us, including the following.

(Editor's postscript: The following links no longer work, but are left here for the sake of completeness. No doubt search engines would still shed light on the matter at hand.)

The latter link has the following rather embarrassing text on it's front page.

Why do people play Oz Lotto with The Syndicate Club?
You get...

40 tickets in Saturday Lotto @ 46cents = $18.40
40 tickets in Tuesday oz Lotto @ $1.13 = $45.20
45 tickets in Thursday PowerBall @ $0.57 = $25.65

Total = $89.25

The Syndicate Cost for 25 members
25 @ $12.50 = $312.50

Guess who's laughing all the way to the bank with their $223.25 profit per syndicate of 25 'mugs'?

Without especially wanting to buy into this particular brawl, it does seem a rather valid point they're making.

More recently we received another almost incomprehensible e-mail from someone offering no identification which seemed to be saying that the Syndicate Club had been 'completely cleared' by a recent government investigation, but failing to provide any documentation to that effect.

I was tempted to write back saying that an even more recent unidentified investigation by an unnamed consumer affairs organisation had found them to be dubious, without of course providing any documentation to support this contention.


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